Feeling tired…
and scattered day after day – I was finding it more difficult to just “keep up” in my daily life.


All of that was hard to acknowledge, but even more so was my complete lack of desire for intimacy. 

Sex felt like one more chore at the end of a long day, I had NO Interest and NO energy for Sexy time with my Man.

Hi… I am Harper, and this is the story of My Journey to creating ASTIR 💗

After weeks and months of feeling exhausted and unmotivated to find time for intimacy – I had a revelation and realized I needed to do something to change this part of my life.
To take charge of my own health and wellness, energy, focus, and libido.

I decided it was time – To get back in the Game of Life with PASSION for all things in my life!
My Man
My Kids
My Friends
My Dreams
My Goals
and My Very Important Female Desire 🔥

I began doing research, A lot of research.  I found many ingredients that would help women on many levels…  and I Really wanted to find something to Boost DESIRE!   I started to research supplements and products that had the ingredients I was looking for and the .  I found had only a few components I was seeking, but not all.

I knew I did not want to take handfuls of pills.
And one day I Found It, what I believe to be a perfect combination… and I created my own combination of herbs and made my own supplement.

I began taking it myself, and very quickly completely turned my life around.
That’s a BIG statement!

ASTIR has changed me so dramatically.
The Fatigue, Fog, Lack of interest in many things has been replaced with
& VAVA VOOM for My Man 🔥
Somedays HE tells ME he needs a rest!

It’s SO Powerful to wake up and feel ready to take on the world, to feel ENERGIZED and EXCITED!
ASTIR has given me back the Energy Level and Libido I had in my Twenties!